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Tube Cutting Machine Tube Cutting Machine Tube Cutting Machine Tube Cutting Machine

Tube Cutting Machine

Tube cutting 4/5 axis chamfering CNC

Computer-controlled and servo-driven, the pipe cutter can perform multiple simultaneous five-axis movements and is widely applied for large-scale intersection cutting of steel pipes, different materials, mild steel, stainless steel and non-ferrous metals.

In addition, various measures have been taken against high frequency interference. The machine has state-of-the-art advanced programming, control and cutting systems.

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Le macchine di luca srl

Via Belgioioso, 3 - 20846 Macherio (MB)
+39 02.09967475

Via G. Miglio, 5 - 20824 Lazzate (MB)
+39 02.09967475

Le Macchine di Luca - Pantograph and industrial machinery
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