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SigmaTek | Inglese

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The CAD/CAM Software of Nesting, worldwide leader.

SigmaNEST, as an advanced nesting solution, offers the possibility of extensive customization through modular features to get the most out of your operations.

Thanks to SigmaNEST, you can import parts from all major CAD systems, automatically sort them into tasks based on the machine and material, generate the post processor for your cutting machines and monitor your productivity from start to finish.

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Le macchine di luca srl

Via Belgioioso, 3 - 20846 Macherio (MB)
+39 02.09967475

Via G. Miglio, 5 - 20824 Lazzate (MB)
+39 02.09967475

Le Macchine di Luca - Pantograph and industrial machinery
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