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Stone Pantograph ERS1530 | Italiano

Stone Pantograph ERS1530 | Inglese

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Stone Pantograph ERS1530 Stone Pantograph ERS1530 Stone Pantograph ERS1530 Stone Pantograph ERS1530

Stone Pantograph ERS1530

Pantograph for stone processing

Stone processing plant created to increase production efficiency, increasing safety and actual working hours. Designed to reduce energy consumption. Adaptable to any type of stone processing, customized dimensions for small, medium and large companies.

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Le macchine di luca srl

Via Belgioioso, 3 - 20846 Macherio (MB)
+39 02.09967475

Via G. Miglio, 5 - 20824 Lazzate (MB)
+39 02.09967475

Le Macchine di Luca - Pantograph and industrial machinery
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