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EMO MILANO 2021 | Italiano

EMO MILANO 2021 | Inglese

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The magic world of metalworking

Le Macchine di Luca have been in one of the most important metalworking exhibition in Milano. Emo Milano 2021 has been a great success and opportunity to share worldwide information with 34 countries rapresented, over 60,000 visits and 1,300 students. 

Germany, Switzerland, France, Spain, Austria, Slovenia, Turkey, Poland, Russia and Denmark are the most represented countries at the show which saw the presence of numerous operators also from Finland, Croatia, Estonia, Lithuania, Hungary, Czech Republic, USA , Great Britain, Israel, Japan, South Korea, Ireland and Egypt.

Le macchine di Luca have taken and showed its workhorse Plasma Cutting P1530 in collaboration with Eastrise Cnc, main manufacturing associate, Air Compressor Solution, as prime air compressor partner, Esautomotion, italian company leader at international level in the development, production and sale of new generation integrated CNC systems, and Telwin, Cebora, Hypertherm, as most famous generators' partner. 

Le macchine di luca srl

Via Belgioioso, 3 - 20846 Macherio (MB)
+39 02.09967475

Via G. Miglio, 5 - 20824 Lazzate (MB)
+39 02.09967475

Le Macchine di Luca - Pantograph and industrial machinery
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